Text analysis: fundamentals and sentiment analysis

Lecture 23

Dr. Benjamin Soltoff

Cornell University
INFO 2950 - Summer 2024

June 20, 2024



  • Homework 07

Core text data workflows

Basic workflow for text analysis

  • Obtain your text sources
  • Extract documents and move into a corpus
  • Transformation
  • Extract features
  • Perform analysis

Obtain your text sources

  • Web sites/APIs
  • Databases
  • PDF documents
  • Digital scans of printed materials

Extract documents and move into a corpus

  • Text corpus
  • Typically stores the text as a raw character string with metadata and details stored with the text


  • Tag segments of speech for part-of-speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) or entity recognition (person, place, company, etc.)
  • Standard text processing
    • Convert to lower case
    • Remove punctuation
    • Remove numbers
    • Remove stopwords
    • Remove domain-specific stopwords
    • Stemming

Extract features

Convert the text string into some sort of quantifiable measures

Bag-of-words model

ID Text
1 The dog ate the cat
2 The cat ate the mouse
3 Mice are silly
4 The cheese was delicious
ID are ate cat cheese delicious dog mice mouse silly the was
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0
2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
  • Term frequency vector
  • Term-document matrix
  • Ignores context
  • Sparse data structure

Word embeddings

Word embedding: a mathematical representation of a word in a continuous vector space

  • Dense data structure
  • Captures context
  • Semantic similarity

Word embeddings

Consumer complaints to the CFPB

[1] "transworld systems inc. \nis trying to collect a debt that is not mine, not owed and is inaccurate."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
[2] "I would like to request the suppression of the following items from my credit report, which are the result of my falling victim to identity theft. This information does not relate to [ transactions that I have made/accounts that I have opened ], as the attached supporting documentation can attest. As such, it should be blocked from appearing on my credit report pursuant to section 605B of the Fair Credit Reporting Act."
[3] "Over the past 2 weeks, I have been receiving excessive amounts of telephone calls from the company listed in this complaint. The calls occur between XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX to my cell and at my job. The company does not have the right to harass me at work and I want this to stop. It is extremely distracting to be told 5 times a day that I have a call from this collection agency while at work."                           
[4] "I was sold access to an event digitally, of which I have all the screenshots to detail the transactions, transferred the money and was provided with only a fake of a ticket. I have reported this to paypal and it was for the amount of {$21.00} including a {$1.00} fee from paypal. \n\nThis occured on XX/XX/2019, by paypal user who gave two accounts : 1 ) XXXX 2 ) XXXX XXXX"                                                 

Sparse matrix structure

Document-feature matrix of: 117,214 documents, 46,099 features (99.88% sparse) and 0 docvars.
docs        account auto bank call charg chase dai date dollar
  3113204 1       1    2    2    1     1     1   3    1      1
  3113208 0       1    0    6    3     5     0   0    1      1
  3113804 0       0    0    0    0     0     0   2    2      0
  3113805 0       1    0    0    0     0     0   0    0      0
  3113807 0       2    0    0    0     1     0   0    0      0
  3113808 0       0    0    0    0     0     0   0    0      0
[ reached max_ndoc ... 117,208 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 46,089 more features ]

Sparsity of text corpa

Generating word embeddings

  • Dimension reduction
    • Principal components analysis (PCA)
    • Singular value decomposition (SVD)
  • Probabilistic models
  • Neural networks
    • Word2Vec
    • GloVe
    • BERT
    • ELMO
  • Custom-generated or pre-trained


  • Pre-trained word vector representations
  • Measured using co-occurrence statistics (how frequently words occur in proximity to each other)
  • Four versions
    • Wikipedia (2014) - 6 billion tokens, 400 thousand words
    • Twitter - 27 billion tokens, 2 billion tweets, 1.2 million words
    • Common Crawl - 42 billion tokens, 1.9 million words
    • Common Crawl - 840 billion tokens, 2.2 million words

GloVe 6b (100 dimensions)

# A tibble: 400,000 × 101
   token      d1      d2      d3      d4      d5      d6      d7      d8      d9
   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 "the" -0.0382 -0.245   0.728  -0.400   0.0832  0.0440 -0.391   0.334  -0.575 
 2 ","   -0.108   0.111   0.598  -0.544   0.674   0.107   0.0389  0.355   0.0635
 3 "."   -0.340   0.209   0.463  -0.648  -0.384   0.0380  0.171   0.160   0.466 
 4 "of"  -0.153  -0.243   0.898   0.170   0.535   0.488  -0.588  -0.180  -1.36  
 5 "to"  -0.190   0.0500  0.191  -0.0492 -0.0897  0.210  -0.550   0.0984 -0.201 
 6 "and" -0.0720  0.231   0.0237 -0.506   0.339   0.196  -0.329   0.184  -0.181 
 7 "in"   0.0857 -0.222   0.166   0.134   0.382   0.354   0.0129  0.225  -0.438 
 8 "a"   -0.271   0.0440 -0.0203 -0.174   0.644   0.712   0.355   0.471  -0.296 
 9 "\""  -0.305  -0.236   0.176  -0.729  -0.283  -0.256   0.266   0.0253 -0.0748
10 "'s"   0.589  -0.202   0.735  -0.683  -0.197  -0.180  -0.392   0.342  -0.606 
# ℹ 399,990 more rows
# ℹ 91 more variables: d10 <dbl>, d11 <dbl>, d12 <dbl>, d13 <dbl>, d14 <dbl>,
#   d15 <dbl>, d16 <dbl>, d17 <dbl>, d18 <dbl>, d19 <dbl>, d20 <dbl>,
#   d21 <dbl>, d22 <dbl>, d23 <dbl>, d24 <dbl>, d25 <dbl>, d26 <dbl>,
#   d27 <dbl>, d28 <dbl>, d29 <dbl>, d30 <dbl>, d31 <dbl>, d32 <dbl>,
#   d33 <dbl>, d34 <dbl>, d35 <dbl>, d36 <dbl>, d37 <dbl>, d38 <dbl>,
#   d39 <dbl>, d40 <dbl>, d41 <dbl>, d42 <dbl>, d43 <dbl>, d44 <dbl>, …

Fairness in word embeddings

  • Word embeddings learn semantics and meaning from human speech
  • If the text is biased, then the embeddings will also contain bias
  • Terms associated with women are more associated with the arts and terms associated with men are more associated with science.1
  • Even large language models (LLMs) trained on vast corpa of human-generated text do not reflect representative or diverse viewpoints.2
  • Sentiment analysis utilizing off-the-shelf word embeddings can score text such as “Let’s go get Italian food” more positively than “Let’s go get Mexican food”3

Perform analysis

  • Basic
    • Word frequency
    • Collocation
    • Dictionary tagging
  • Advanced
    • Document classification
    • Corpora comparison
    • Topic modeling



  • Using tidy data principles can make many text mining tasks easier, more effective, and consistent with tools already in wide use
  • Learn more at tidytextmining.com

What is tidy text?

text <- c(
  "Yeah, with a boy like that it's serious",
  "There's a boy who is so wonderful",
  "That girls who see him cannot find back home",
  "And the gigolos run like spiders when he comes",
  "'Cause he is Eros and he's Apollo",
  "Girls, with a boy like that it's serious",
  "Senoritas, don't follow him",
  "Soon, he will eat your hearts like cereals",
  "Sweet Lolitas, don't go",
  "You're still young",
  "But every night they fall like dominoes",
  "How he does it, only heaven knows",
  "All the other men turn gay wherever he goes (wow!)"
 [1] "Yeah, with a boy like that it's serious"           
 [2] "There's a boy who is so wonderful"                 
 [3] "That girls who see him cannot find back home"      
 [4] "And the gigolos run like spiders when he comes"    
 [5] "'Cause he is Eros and he's Apollo"                 
 [6] "Girls, with a boy like that it's serious"          
 [7] "Senoritas, don't follow him"                       
 [8] "Soon, he will eat your hearts like cereals"        
 [9] "Sweet Lolitas, don't go"                           
[10] "You're still young"                                
[11] "But every night they fall like dominoes"           
[12] "How he does it, only heaven knows"                 
[13] "All the other men turn gay wherever he goes (wow!)"

What is tidy text?

text_df <- tibble(line = 1:length(text), text = text)
# A tibble: 13 × 2
    line text                                              
   <int> <chr>                                             
 1     1 Yeah, with a boy like that it's serious           
 2     2 There's a boy who is so wonderful                 
 3     3 That girls who see him cannot find back home      
 4     4 And the gigolos run like spiders when he comes    
 5     5 'Cause he is Eros and he's Apollo                 
 6     6 Girls, with a boy like that it's serious          
 7     7 Senoritas, don't follow him                       
 8     8 Soon, he will eat your hearts like cereals        
 9     9 Sweet Lolitas, don't go                           
10    10 You're still young                                
11    11 But every night they fall like dominoes           
12    12 How he does it, only heaven knows                 
13    13 All the other men turn gay wherever he goes (wow!)

What is tidy text?

text_df |>
  unnest_tokens(output = word, input = text)
# A tibble: 91 × 2
    line word   
   <int> <chr>  
 1     1 yeah   
 2     1 with   
 3     1 a      
 4     1 boy    
 5     1 like   
 6     1 that   
 7     1 it's   
 8     1 serious
 9     2 there's
10     2 a      
# ℹ 81 more rows

Counting words

text_df |>
  unnest_tokens(word, text) |>
  count(word, sort = TRUE)
# A tibble: 67 × 2
   word      n
   <chr> <int>
 1 he        5
 2 like      5
 3 a         3
 4 boy       3
 5 that      3
 6 and       2
 7 don't     2
 8 girls     2
 9 him       2
10 is        2
# ℹ 57 more rows

Application exercise


  • Go to the course GitHub org and find your ae-21 (repo name will be suffixed with your GitHub name).
  • Clone the repo in RStudio Workbench, open the Quarto document in the repo, and follow along and complete the exercises.
  • Render, commit, and push your edits by the AE deadline – end of the day


  • tidytext allows you to structure text data in a format conducive to exploratory analysis and wrangling/visualization with tidyverse
  • Tokenizing is a process of converting raw character strings to recognizable features
  • Remove non-informative stop words to reduce noise in the text data
  • Dictionary-based sentiment analysis provides a rough classification of text into positive/negative sentiments