<- decision_tree(engine = "rpart") |>
tree_mod set_mode("classification")
<- workflow() |>
tree_wf add_formula(children ~ .) |>
Tune better models to predict children in hotel bookings
Your Turn 1
Fill in the blanks to return the accuracy and ROC AUC for this model using 10-fold cross-validation.
______ ______(resamples = hotels_folds) |>
Your Turn 2
Create a new parsnip model called rf_mod
, which will learn an ensemble of classification trees from our training data using the ranger package. Update your tree_wf
with this new model.
Fit your workflow with 10-fold cross-validation and compare the ROC AUC of the random forest to your single decision tree model — which predicts the test set better?
Hint: you’ll need https://www.tidymodels.org/find/parsnip/
# model
<- _____ |>
rf_mod _____("ranger") |>
# workflow
<- tree_wf |>
rf_wf update_model(_____)
# fit with cross-validation
_____ fit_resamples(resamples = hotels_folds) |>
Your Turn 3
Challenge: Fit 3 more random forest models, each using 5, 12, and 21 variables at each split. Update your rf_wf
with each new model. Which value maximizes the area under the ROC curve?
<- rf_mod |>
rf5_mod set_args(mtry = 5)
<- rf_mod |>
rf12_mod set_args(mtry = 12)
<- rf_mod |>
rf21_mod set_args(mtry = 21)
Do this for each model above:
<- rf_wf |>
_____ update_model(_____)
_____ fit_resamples(resamples = hotels_folds) |>
Your Turn 4
Edit the random forest model to tune the mtry
and min_n
hyper-parameters; call the new model spec rf_tuner
Update your workflow to use the tuned model.
Then use tune_grid()
to find the best combination of hyper-parameters to maximize roc_auc
; let tune set up the grid for you.
How does it compare to the average ROC AUC across folds from fit_resamples()
<- rand_forest(engine = "ranger") |>
rf_mod set_mode("classification")
<- workflow() |>
rf_wf add_formula(children ~ .) |>
set.seed(100) # Important!
<- rf_wf |>
rf_results fit_resamples(resamples = hotels_folds,
metrics = metric_set(roc_auc),
# change me to control_grid() with tune_grid
control = control_resamples(verbose = TRUE,
save_workflow = TRUE))
rf_results collect_metrics()
# your code here
Your Turn 5
Use fit_best()
to take the best combination of hyper-parameters from rf_results
and use them to predict the test set.
How does our actual test ROC AUC compare to our cross-validated estimate?
# your code here
- Materials derived from Tidymodels, Virtually: An Introduction to Machine Learning with Tidymodels by Allison Hill.
- Dataset and some modeling steps derived from A predictive modeling case study and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA) License.