INFO 2950: Introduction to Data Science


June 21, 2024

This page contains an outline of the topics, content, and assignments for the semester. Note that this schedule will be updated as the semester progresses and the timeline of topics and assignments might be updated throughout the semester.

week dow date tod topic prepare slides ae ae_sa hw hw_sa lab lab_sa exam
1 Mon Jun 3 Morning Welcome to INFO 2950
Mon Jun 3 Afternoon Meet the toolkit
Mon Jun 3 Lab Hello data science!
Tue Jun 4 Morning Grammar of graphics
Tue Jun 4 Afternoon Visualizing various types of data
Tue Jun 4 Lab Data visualization
Wed Jun 5 Morning Grammar of data wrangling
Wed Jun 5 Afternoon Working with multiple data frames
Wed Jun 5 Lab
Thu Jun 6 Morning Tidying data
Thu Jun 6 Afternoon Data types and classes
Thu Jun 6 Lab Data tidying
Fri Jun 7 Morning Importing and recoding data
Fri Jun 7 Afternoon Recoding data + rowwise/columnwise operations
Fri Jun 7 Lab
2 Mon Jun 10 Morning Getting data from the web: Scraping
Mon Jun 10 Afternoon Functions
Mon Jun 10 Lab
Tue Jun 11 Morning Iteration
Tue Jun 11 Afternoon Getting data from the web: APIs
Tue Jun 11 Lab Functions + iteration
Wed Jun 12 Morning Linear regression with a single predictor
Wed Jun 12 Afternoon Linear regression with multiple predictors
Wed Jun 12 Lab
Thu Jun 13 Morning Models for discrete outcomes
Thu Jun 13 Afternoon Hypothesis testing with randomization
Thu Jun 13 Lab
Fri Jun 14 Morning No class (exam 01)
Fri Jun 14 Afternoon No class (exam 01)
Fri Jun 14 Lab No class (exam 01)
3 Mon Jun 17 Morning Quantifying uncertainty with the bootstrap
Mon Jun 17 Afternoon Introduction to machine learning
Mon Jun 17 Lab Statistical inference
Tue Jun 18 Morning Build better training data
Tue Jun 18 Afternoon Tree-based inference and hyperparameter optimization
Tue Jun 18 Lab
Wed Jun 19 Morning No class (Juneteenth)
Wed Jun 19 Afternoon No class (Juneteenth)
Wed Jun 19 Lab No class (Juneteenth)
Thu Jun 20 Morning Text analysis: fundamentals and sentiment analysis
Thu Jun 20 Afternoon Text analysis: supervised text classification
Thu Jun 20 Lab
Fri Jun 21 Morning Wrap-up: Where to go from here + Exam 02